Sunday, April 30, 2006

Beautiful Day in Bklyn

It was the consumate beautiful spring wknd in Brooklyn. The weather could not have been nicer, and we drank in every moment. The highpoint was a visit to the Brooklyn Cherry Blossom Festival. No graphic evidence of our visit, however, bc we left the camera at home.

Once we got home the photo op was in on our street in front of our house, where the setting sun shed some seriously colorful light.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Face-painting or Dinner?

His first day on rice cereal, and it seems somebody confused dinner-time for face-painting- time.

A true gourmand

Alex is demonstrating the trappings of being a true gourmand. He has typically delights in his milk and his formula. But we're now seeing that he responds well to variety in his diet.

This week he tried rice cereal for the first time, and he loved it. At the first taste, he inhaled it up like a champ.

... Yeah, we'll work on the tidyness of his eating habits at some point down the road.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Terradactyl Screeches

Until recently much of Alex's happy emotions have been silent bursts of smiles. With neigther a laugh or giggle, Alex has been satisfied with a simple smile.

Suddenly his happiness has a soundtrack. It ranges from delighted sing-song babble to crazy high pitched Terradactyl Screaches. Strange, but reassuring that he's capable of emoting and commenting on the happy side of life.

Search for the Perfect Pie

Karen & Harry stopped by the other day. One of the many things we like about these cats is their fondness for pizza. Indeed, their quest for the "perfect pie" takes them to all corners of the five-boroughs. Saturday brought them and their pizza-hunt to Brooklyn, and we made a suitable roadside-attraction. We didn't serve them any pizza.

Hanging out with his Mom

On a rainy wknd like we had over the past couple of days, we hung around the house quite a bit. While a number of people came over to visit, we were mostly occupied with haning out.

Alex was particuarly fond of some moments with his mom. And when it's good--like it was in the 2nd picture--it's very good!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Go, Mr. Exer-saucer, Go!

Mr. Exer-saucer steps into action.

Curious & Cute

These pictures capture some of the cute and curious moments typical of our Pennsylvania visit.

Captivated Cousins

Alex's cousins -- particularly his girl cousins -- seem pretty captivated when he walks into the room.

Abigail and Jacqueline were wrestling for attention at this particular moment.

In the arms of anyone who'll take him.

Alex's visit to Bubbe & PopPop's was punctuated by a whole lot of hanging around in the arms of family... ranging in age from 4 year-old Abigail to 95 year-old Frances.

Passover Seder in PA

We spent last wknd on beautiful Forge Mountain with Alison's parents and sisters' familes. It was quite a couple of days, in which the Cohen house slept 15.

The big highlight was Alex's first Passover seder on Saturday night. He put up with about 20-minutes of seder ritual by sitting in his exer-saucer. His meal was a little different from the rest of the people at the table--emphasizing milk over matzoh. In this picture he's caught in the act with his mom and his great-aunt Carol.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Circus performance

Alex is coordinating his body like a circus performer. Almost overnight, he has learned to do push ups, swivel around in his exer-saucer and use his hands to grab his toys.

Now if only he could get rid of his stubborn congestion.

Weekend Visitors

We had a couple of incoming vistors over the wknd. First off, we were visited by terrific weather. It was a gorgeous Sunday today. Not a cloud in the sky, high in the mid-60's. A little pre-passover blossom party.

Secondly, Bubbe & Pop-pop were overdue, so we got a visit from one of Alex's big cheerleading sections. Bubbe was--quote--blown away at how composed the little munchkin is.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Good Night Moon

Alex has entered the age of board-books, and Aunt Julie's family has been a veritable lending library of board-book classics. Kicking off Saturday Night reading-o-rama at the Norrises was a rousing rendition of Good Night Moon.

Cousin Jason

We didn't get a picture of Alex with everyone. Cousin Jason escaped the lens while chilling with his youngest cousin. That didn't stop him from showing some pearly whites in these portraits.

Generations 1.0 & 2.0

Bill & Matt grew up together in Wauwatosa. It seems like Alex and Meika now have their chance.

Kinsey Kids Come Together

Alex & cousins were not the complete party. We were joined by Bill & Alison Kinsey who drove down from Lowell, Mass. They're the parents of our three-year-old friend, Aviva and her supercute newborn sister, Meika. Apparently, they're often seen together.

Go Sox

The most intense form of torture that a New York born baby could encounter is the donning of a Red Sox baseball cap.

Please don't call Child Welfare on us.

Older Boy-Cousins

The boy-cousins were equally psyched to meet Alex. Tyler and Jake had their hands full--Jakie with camera and Tyler posing for camera.

Boston last Saturday

Boston, April Fool's Day 2006: It's a big day for new family faces... particularly those under the age of ten. Alex did a whirlwind tour of Boston over the wknd and got full exposure to all six cousins on Alison's side of the family.
They're all a little older than Mr. Munchkin, but that didn't stop the play. In fact, to call it playing is a stretch. Most of Alex's involvement was bouncing on the lap of luminaries such as Abigail, Jacqueline and Hannah (shown above).